Day Habilitation Program
Our day habilitation program provides opportunities and support for a variety of activities in the community, all the while encouraging socialization and communication. We help our clients develop interest and skills for active participation in sports, art, culture and leisure in order to increase community inclusion. The Day Habilitation Program provides hourly services to adults on the ID waiver and MHDS Region funding (prior sign-up and funding authorizations required). We provide support and guidance that enable the participants to achieve their individual goals in an inclusive and accommodating environment.
Hours of Operation
Our day hab gets together every weekday, from 1pm to 4pm and Monday/Wednesday mornings 9am-11am. We converge at the Arc and return there when the activity is over. Participants chose the frequency and the days they would like to attend, and sign up for those activities in advance. Among other things we go hiking, swimming, painting and bowling. We visit museums, the library and the recreation center; we have picnics and watch movies.
We invite anyone who is interested in learning more about our day hab to schedule a visit at our Arc location, in which we will show you around and tell you all about our mission, various activities and wonderful staff. We are available Monday-Friday from 8am to 4:30pm and are happy to answer any question.
Please contact Roni Roseman for more information!